` Our Current Projects | Compassion & Mercy Associates (CAMA)

Compassion & Mercy Associates (CAMA)

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Our Current Projects

  1. Food Packages: On monthly bases, the food project provides more than 200 food packages to the most of needy families living in the old city. These include widows, the elderly, and people with special needs.
  2. Bag2School Project: The project takes place once a year and provides school bags for poor children. More than 500 bags are provided to children and youth living in Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
  3. Biblical Visits & Excursions: This project works towards strengthening Muslim Christian ties in the city, by taking groups of people to different Biblical sites to learn about the history, background, and spiritual significance.
  4. Children Programs: This project takes place during the Christmas, Easter, and the Summer. It includes open days and fun festivals for marginalized and suffering children. The summer camps are done in a very professional way and take into consideration the need to involve all sectors of the community. Arts and crafts, sports and fun days, including drama and theatre to uplift children from their suffering takes place during Holiday seasons and brings together hundreds of children.
  5. Youth Formation: The project targets youth between the ages of 12 to 22. This project aims at reducing barriers experienced by Christian young men and women related to active participation in the decision-making processes towards shaping their lives and positioning themselves within the church structures, Christian community, Palestinian and Israeli Society. And to enhance opportunities for Christian young women and men to feel supported and be confident in carrying out youth ministry with the local church.
  6. Family Guidance: The project works closely with families through a series of workshops presented by specialists on the topic of parenting, relations and other issues.